Answers For Eco holidays

Answers and detail explain for Eco holidays


1. two weeks | 2 weeks
2. 1750
3. discount
4. travel insurance | insurance
5. vegetarian meals
6. visa
7. tree
8. local family | family
9. school | local school
10. cars


Eco holidays


CD1 Track 19

Igor: Morning

Travel agent: Good morning. Er, just a moment and I'll be with you. Um, now, how can I help you?

I: Yes, I phoned you earlier about an eco-holiday you know, one of those holidays where you don't damage the environment at all and you get close to nature.

T: Yes. I remember. Mr Petrov, isn't it?

I: Yes, Igor Petrov. You said you were going to look up what was available at rather short notice.

T: I did, and I've got a few things here. Just before I show them to you, though, let me get down a few details


T: Right. Now, how long are you hoping to go for - a week, a month?

I: 1Originally planned to go for three weeks, but I think actually two would be better.

T: Fine, I'll just note that down. Mm, I think it's a good length for a holiday. You don't want to go for too long or it's difficult to get back to work again afterwards. I always think. And what's the limit on how much you're prepared to pay?

I: 2Yes, I don't really want to go above 1.750 pounds if I can help it.

T: Mm, Fine, but when you come to look at the brochures, 3I should just point out that each of them has a discount if you pay in advance.

I: Oh! That's good. How much is it?

T: It depends on the holiday you choose, but it's worth bearing in mind. Do you have any special requirements which I should note down, by the way?

I: 4Er, yes, one thing I'm keen on is having travel insurance while I'm away, so can you give me a quote?

T: Well, I can't actually at the moment because our Internet connection is down just now, but as soon as we have it up and running again and we know what holiday you've chosen, I'll give you a call. Is there anything else?

I: 5Yes, there is, actually I'm not a meat eater, so you'll need to specify to the airline that I need to eat vegetarian meals when I fly.

T: OK vegetarian meals. By the way, what nationality are you, Mr Petrov?

I: I'm Russian. From St Petersburg originally.

T: 6I just ask because I may need to see if you'll need a visa for some of the places you might visit. I'm just pointing that out because you want to go fairly soon and it can sometimes be quite a lengthy process.

CD1 Track 20

Igor: So, what options are still available?

Travel agent: OK. There are these three possibilities which I managed to print out earlier I thought they looked good.

I: OK, let's have a look

T: Um. the first is called the Dumbarton Tablelands. It looks pretty good to me. It's in Western Australia. The holiday really involves being close to and watching animals - almost living with them, 7in fact, because you get to stay in a quite luxurious house or cabin built high up in a tree and surrounded by lovely countryside. And, you know, there are birds and lizards and things if you like that sort of thing, so you're very sort of

I: Close to nature.

T: Close to nature. that's right

I: Sounds interesting I guess I could enjoy that. Er, what else have you got?

T: 8Well, there's this one in the Bago Nature Reserve, where you go and stay with a local family in their house in a small mountain village away from other tourists and the usual tourist spots, so you discover lots about the way they live and you sort of live in the family, share their meals, help them with their work, that sort of thing.

I: Mm. Not so much of a holiday, then.

T: Well, it depends on you. It's very different, and they say a change is as good as a rest. And then there's San Luis Island.

I: Mm. What happens at San Luis?

T: Well, it's a small island, just a few miles from the coast of Central America, but I'm not sure if it's really up your street. You might like it because International tourism hasn't spoilt it yet, but I'd say it's more a holiday for young people. 9You go and live in a hostel and, you know, you help paint the local school and you get to meet the kids and sort of try your hand at teaching

I: Teaching what?

T: Oh, English or maths, whatever you're good at. What makes the island interesting, though, is their emissions policy. 10There are no cars - you have to walk or use a bicycle to get about, and you get there by sailing boat.

Sounds wonderful.

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Customer’s name:          Igor Petrov

Length of holiday:          1 (two weeks | 2 weeks)

Will pay up to 2 (1750)

Told him about  3 (discount) for advance payments

Needs quote for 4 (travel insurance | insurance) during holiday

Requires 5 (vegetarian meals) On plane

MUST check if he needs a 6 (visa)

Complete the table below. Write ONE OR TWO WORDS for each answer.



Type of holiday



Dumbarton Tablelands

watching animals

house in a 7 (tree)  

close to nature

Bago Nature Reserve

live with a 8 (local family | family)

village house

learn about way of life

San Luis Island

working in a 9 (school | local school)  


holiday location without

10 (cars)