IELTS Writing With AI Assistance

Enhance your writing skills with personalized AI feedback and achieve your target score.

Start Improving Your Writing Now

AI Writing Assistance and Estimate IELTS Score Band

Why Choose Helik?

Estimate Your Band Score

Get an accurate estimate of your band score before taking the real test.

Discover Your Weaknesses

Identify areas where you need improvement and focus on them.

Achieve Your Target Score

Use our expert suggestions to enhance your writing and reach your goals.

Improve Your Writing Skills

Learn the best practices to write more effectively and confidently.

Get an Essay Template

Access structured templates to guide your writing and boost your scores.

Improve with Advanced Vocabularies

Enhance your writing by incorporating advanced vocabulary and expressions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the AI estimate my band score?

The AI analyzes your writing based on various criteria and benchmarks it against IELTS scoring rubrics to provide an estimated band score.

Can I use the essay templates for any type of essay?

Yes, the templates are designed to be versatile and can be adapted for different types of essays and writing tasks.

How often is the AI feedback updated?

The AI feedback is continually updated based on the latest research and user data to ensure accurate and relevant suggestions.

Is my writing data kept confidential?

Yes, we prioritize your privacy and ensure that all writing data is securely stored and used only for providing feedback and improving your writing.